Ordinances and City Code

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The Mantorville City Code may be viewed here: 


Mantorville City Code 2024


ORDINANCE 0135-1996 Snow Removal


Recently Adopted Ordinances
The following ordinance(s) adopted by the City Council are pending codification into the City Code.  The City Code is codified annually.


Ordinance 2025-01 An Ordinance Amending Title XI and Title XV of the City Code of Ordinances Pertaining to Cannabis and Hemp Businesses


Ordinance No. 2024-03 Repealing & Replacing Ch 152 of the City Code Regarding Floodplain Regulations

Ordinance No. 2024-02 Amending 150.025(D) Detached Accessory Structures

Ordinance No. 2024-01 Master Fee Schedule Ordinance No. 2023-01 Adopting the City of Mantorville Master Fee Schedule for 2023


The City Code of the City of Mantorville, Minnesota, is published online as a convenience to citizens and the business community.  Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the material published online, the only official edition of the City Code is the printed version maintained by the City Clerk.  Note that the City Council may have made amendments, additions or deletions to the City Code subsequent to the latest online version of the Code.
This web version of the City Code is provided for informational purposes only and may not reflect all of, or the most current, legislation that has been passed.  Prior to any action being taken, please consult the City Clerk for any ordinances that have been enacted that are not contained in this web version.  In case of any discrepancy between this web version and the official ordinances, the official ordinances prevail.