Winter Care for New Concrete:
New concrete is most susceptible to damage the first 12 months after placement. In order to protect the new concrete the following is recommended:
Public Works Staff will work hard to get streets plowed, so please be patient, have your vehicle removed from the roadway, and keep trash cans inside the property line and out of the way of plows coming through. Stay tuned to WCCO Channel 4 and ABC Channel 6 News for further updates.
To prepare yourself and your car for winter driving, the Minnesota Department of Public Safety has created this Winter Survival brochure. Check it out, and be safe!
Also be sure to read the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Warning (dated Dec 22, 2022) that Slush Weighs Down Ice, Increases Risk
For more information, click Chapter 71, Parking Regulations of the Mantorville City Code. A full copy of Mantorville City Code is available by clicking Ordinances and City Code.
The City of Mantorville is taking applications for vacancies on various boards and committees. If you have a desire to make a difference in your community, have skills and talents that would serve well for one of our committees, and are looking to get involved, please stop by City Hall for an application or click here to apply!
Currently, there is one opening on the Economic Development Authority, and we are looking to fill five new openings on the Planning & Zoning Commission. Get involved today, and make a difference in your community!
You can view your bill or balance due online. You can also pay by credit card or check online.
New Water/Sewer Rates for 2025
Water Base $20.49 – $5.10/1,000 gallons
Sewer Base $37.96 – $8.97/1,000 gallons
Life-Time Dog Tags are now available at City Hall for $25. A current rabies certificate is required.
Show your Mantorville City support with branded clothing available at City Hall: